Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Training and Auditing Trip to Sal, Mindelo, Sal, Boa Vista, Assomada

Santa Maria, Sal
This is what happens when you book a hotel late during high tourist season. We spent a couple of nights in this artsy hotel attached to a club that would play really really loud music every night until midnight. So even with earplugs it was like we were right in the room with the band. In spite of the artsy decor, the room was comfortable.

One of our favorite places to eat in Santa Maria. It's a restaurant and an art expo featuring a local Capeverdian artist. In the evenings they have a local band play Capeverdian music on the sidewalk. The street is closed to traffic at night, so you sit at these tables that are out in the street, and people love to stop as they walk by to listen to the music and/or dance a little. So fun!

Mindelo, São Vicente
In Mindelo, we were shopping for furniture for a new sisters apartment, because we got a new couple that moved into their old apartment. It's the Gerritsens from Ogden, Utah. They are based in Mindelo and their assignment is Humanitarian Services.

In Mindelo, we sometimes stop at this ice cream shop (actually Gelato, yum). And twice now the girl that serves us has been a member of the church, but two different girls. :)

When we travel, Elder Alvarez usually tries to get filtered water from the missionaries' apartments. Success!

The local band again at our favorite restaurant.

District training on our Rescue program.

Precious children at church.

Just look at those sparkly eyes! Pure innocence!

Just outside our "artsy" hotel in Santa Maria is the town square, with a splash pad. The kids have a blast. It's fun that in the evening they turn on colored lights.

 This is a mural at the airport by a local artist.

Sal Rei, Boa Vista
Branch council meeting gathered for training by Elder Alvarez.

The Relief Society president of the Sal Rei branch, with Sister Alvarez.

Bruno, our new auditor in Assomada. We did training and then did some audits together. These young adult returned missionaries are awesome. They are the strength of the church here. Bruno is in college and is learning English.

Back in Praia
Kristina with her baby Kristiana.

We visited Katia and Steveen at Steveen's mom's house. This is Steveen's baby sister, the one that Elder Alvarez blessed a few months ago and she got well. She loved playing with Sister Alvarez' name tag. Mostly she was chewing on it.

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