Sunday, July 9, 2017

FHE and Couples Activity

FHE in Monte Vermelho

Last Monday the Zone Leaders in our area invited us to a FHE at a member's house. The elders were actually on splits that night, so there were four elders there. Elder Cannon and Elder Robertson are our zone leaders, and Elder Mangeris and Bowen were here from the island of Maio for the Zone Conference the next day. There was an investigator there, and a couple of new members. What we love so much is how happy people are.

We parked the car in front of an elderly lady's apartment, and she came out to say HI. She has been a member for 6 years. When the missionaries told her we were going to a FHE, she said, "Where? I want to come."

The apartment is very small, and when we arrived, I thought it was going to be crowded. People were sitting on the few chairs, and some buckets, and on the bed. But then, more people started arriving. I think we probably ended up with close to 20. And they would just keep coming in and sitting on the bed or standing. We had a lovely lesson by the ZL, and then played a couple of fun games, and then had cookies and punch.

Group photo outside the apartment, which is on the roof of the building.

Happy girls.

Couples Activity in Achada Mato

This was a branch activity for couples encouraging couples to go to the temple to be sealed. Three of the couples are just finishing up our Temple Preparation class and will be going to the temple in October. The Church's Temple Patron Assistance Fund pays for their travel there (they have to fly to Brazil), and the couples and families have to pay for their passports, visas, and lodging and food at the temple. Last year the cost of the visa was doubled, so it has been very difficult for many of them to save enough money to go. We are so proud of the three couples in our class. It has been a long road.

This activity was held in our Branch President's home. He is the one standing holding his baby.

Yummy food and good company. The biggest challenge for the Alvarez' is that the native language isn't actually Portuguese; it's Creole (Kriolu). In Church most of the meetings are in Portuguese, because Portuguese is the official capeverdian language and the official Church language. But in social settings, everything is Kriolu. Elder Alvarez is learning Kriolu, but still can't understand when they talk fast. And Sister Alvarez hardly understands any. But everyone speaks the language of love.

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